Motorola Battery Warranty Code Checker

Is my Battery still under warranty?

- Great online tool

Our Motorola Battery Calculator will calculate both the Motorola Standard Battrey datecode and the Motorola IMPRES Battery datecode stamped on the back of your battery to determine whether or not your battery is still under warranty. Please refer to the orange numbers below.

If your battery has a standard 1-year warranty and you are using a standard charger and your date code is higher than this number, this battery is covered under Motorola warranty: 2338

If your battery is an IMPRES Battery and you are using an IMPRES Charger and your date code is higher than this number, this battery is covered under Motorola warranty: 2312

The battery date code alone does not determine if a battery is under warranty, please check your sales receipt. Batteries should be in warranty from the date on your sales receipt or the date from the battery date code. The sales receipt usually takes preference. Nickel-Cadmium batteries if stored properly can have a shelf life of 2 years, and both Nickel-Metal and Lithium-ion can be stored up to 18 months before going into service.